First I was diagnosed with bedbugs because they made trails under my skin now under Knost with pinworms they’re coming out of my anus and are hurting my clitoris, it’s disgusting and I was told it’s also going to need to start coming out of my arms when I wake up I seen all reason why things coming out of my arms and my veins are swollen I have already done the tour both tablet and it has not done a thing I was also prescribed a type of antibiotic because my skin is almost necrotic. And is contagious, my friend now has it because he was staying with me. Never even touched him and he got it and I’ve been washing and cleaning and disinfecting nothing is helping this situation, instead the doctors said I was crazy. Meanwhile I have a video of all of the bugs coming into the house after they used poison one of my cats got bit by a bug the floorboard and died right in front of me. All on tape I have everything on video. I look like a monster. I found an over the counter all power side killer I was hoping you could tell me if I got the right one what do you recommend? They are coming out of my hands my arms and then I see trails where they are on the move that’s what the doctor said. Anyway it’s been terrible and I canceled the insecticide people because all that does it makes it worse and the lady from truly Nolen said yes it does make it worse for several days, my cats are covered in scabs so big I cannot handle it if I get bit one more time I don’t know what’s going to happen my right leg blew up completely it was from a spider than I was covered in ants all sorts of things. I hate Florida I have a eustachian ear infection crackling and popping in my ears also diagnosed by the doctor and given antibiotics which are not no fun either but in the middle of the night I weighed myself and it is so painful and I can see these white Things but they’re dead. I also have no spleen and I have Epstein-Barr. I have blood coming out of my anus as well, I apologize if I’m repeating myself because someone called while I was writing you this. I would really appreciate the help. cats are dying and that’s all I have in the world, my dog died also, he went Into a seizure. I looked this up and it said it goes into your organs. I’ve had this for years. I am riddled with this crap and I think when I poisoned the bugs is when it started getting really bad. I’m going to get a bug zapper for the cats