First, I wondering is Neg Gram is on the market?
I am 68, White Female. I was on Neg Gram for 7 years back in the late 60's and to mid 70's. It truly worked for me. Also, took Urised. I was told I have Sjogren's Syndrome almost 5yrs ago. I have had UTI and had to have PicLine put in my arm for 4 times. My urine had a bacteria called Pseudomonus. Each time I have had the infusions for about 2 1/2 weeks. I have been thinking about all of my past sickness with the UTI and I would see my Urologist twice a year 1) for checkup and 2) to dilate the urea ( the stem from the kidney to bladder. I got along so good and just went back to a normal life. Now, as I said, I can't seem to kill the Psuedomonis for very long. I have been told that my kidneys work perfectly and have no problem emptying. Just saw my Urologist this last Thursday and he said I would need to go to a Kidney Specialist. No problem with that. Also, my kidneys are producing a chemical that is causing my blood vessels to contract and not letting the blood flow at a proper rate. So, I get high readings for my BP. My family doctor put me on Lorsotan with 1 table in the morning with the Atenolol and another Atenolol at bedtime. If I could take some NegGram. I feel like to would help to kill the psedamonus . SO, I guess my big question is this medicine even made after all of these years? And, do you think I could fight the infections and have the bacteria at bay?