For about a week now, I have felt like there is something stuck in my throat. When it first started, I could feel it all the time and it felt like a piece of food was stuck. A few days later it only felt like a tickle, as if a piece of hair was caught in my throat. The past 3 days, I feel it off and on. Sometimes not at all. When I eat, I usually don't feel it, especially if it's cold food. It feels like it's right at the back of my tongue, at the top of my throat. I have no pain of any kind, my throat is not sore, I'm not coughing more than normal, there is no blood and it doesn't hurt to breath or swallow. Do my symptoms sound like it could be serious? Do you think I should wait it out and it should go away in time? Over the past week that I have felt it, it seems to have gone away slightly because it isn't as bad as it was in the beginning, so I'm wondering if I should just give it time and see what happens or if that is dangerous. Any information you could tell me would be greatly appreciated. I know you can't give me a specific answer, but any possibilities would help. Thank you.