For last 3 or 4 months I have been having pain,pain as in big-time. Saw my primary,she layed me down on the exam table,was barely touching me...nerves are highly sensitive. Then she moved up to my stomach area, and the pain was there as well. Both my Mom and Brother had colon cancer at the same time. Mom went to heaven,not from this,and my Brother finished his 2nd round of cancer treatment,yes ,it came back to my brother. So my older brother and I have talked about the high rate that we might also get colon cancer. Should I be concerned that my new Gastroenterologist is doing a colonoscopy,upper GI, checking if it's not bacteria infection. My head is sort of spinning around. I was sent home with 4 bm tests to do. Not looking forward to it. Thank you for your time
Brenda Overly
Age 52