For the past 18 months I have been dealing with multiple GI symptoms, I have at time difficulty swallowing , even my own saliva at times, n/v of bile usually, and have been admitted 7 times in 18 months with my longest stay 1 month long. Drs have found chronic gastroenteritis, gastritis, esophagitis, sliding hiatal hernia, GERD, esophageal strictures ( which they dilated 3 separate times). I have cut spicy foods, caffeine, chocolate, etc from diet. I take meds as prescribed Ivelost 30 lbs. I sleep with a wedge pillow now. However I continue to have symptoms so bad I've been admitted 7 times in 18 months. I also have RA and SI joint dysfunction and when my GI symptom are exacerbated they are to. I go for weeks sometimes without eating, It's crippling my life, Any help would be greatly appreciated