For the past 4 days I have been experiencing pains in my upper stomach, sometimes with nausea. I also have been belching more than usual. At nights my mouth just fills up with water, especially when I lie on my tummy and right side. I just started a simple jogging exercise programme over a week ago and I've cut back just a bit on the amount of food I eat. I've been losing weight too. I'm preparing to move my family to a new country and I've been going to bed at 1AM or later most nights.
The events leading up to the first pains: I ate cereal with soy milk for dinner at 6:30PM. I went to bed at about 2:30AM. By that time my stomach was churning in pain but I didn't want to eat again before bed. I woke up at 6:10 AM with the feeling like I had to use the toilet. It was slight diarrhea. Later that day I had tofu and rice with a boiled egg for lunch. I microwave it, but the middle didn't get a warm as the outside parts. I was hurrying so I ate the rest of the 'cold-ish' food. About 4 hours after, I drank about 100ml of tap water (I usually do that) and immediately, I felt pangs of pain in my upper stomach area. That was it.
In the daytime my mouth doesn't fill up with water. But 2 nights, including last night I spit out about 50 ml, then 20 ml shortly after.
Do you have any idea what my trouble is?