From 1days I have fever and I m taking paracetamol 500mg at every 4hrs, but on 2nd day I started loose motion from morning to afternoon 8time loose motion and I started vomiting also, I took 1tab of domperidon before eating. And I m took 2tab of Entroquinol for loose motion but no relief from loose motion. Tell me something for loose motion. And I m feeling very tired and I have also little back pain. I took my laboratory examination and hemoglobin is low 117 (120_150),hematicrit low 0.32(0.36_0.45),rbc low3. 42(4.00_6.00),wbc is very high 18.53(5.00_10.00),mch 34.2(27_31),mchc high362(320_360),neutrofil high 0.91(0.45_0.65),lymphocyte is low 0.06(0.20_0.36).and I checked my temperature by my own self two times it's ichecked today 1st time 12 o'clock at morning it came 37.7 degree Celsius and again ichecked at 2oclock in afternoon it came 37.2. Now I have little relief from fever but I didn't got relief from loose motion so tell me the proper medication and antibiotics for the loose motion with proper dose and timing. My one friend is suggesting to take norzen-tz (norfloxacin and tinidazole) so should I take or not this medication. And one other friend he told me to take cefexime antibiotics so should I take this or not. I ll wait for your answer. By the way I'm the 4rth year medical student I m studying in Philippines.