Good day,
I have a question that I haven't been able to get an answer for.
For about a year now, I've been having issues with premature ejaculation. Sometimes I can last 3 mins maybe 5, but most of the time I last a min or less. I'm a 25 year old male. White - Jewish. I frequently have cloudy urine (once a day approx), usually along with strings (I believe it's called mucus) in the urine. I also frequently have concentrated urine - once a day or so - (very dark and sometimes it may only be an ounce that will come out) and usually burns slightly when it's like that.
After I drink there are times when I need to urinate right after and sometimes 3 or 4 times soon after that again. I believe that I urinate more than 12 times a day.
My doctor has done a urine text and found no UTI. I had fairly high levels for gout a while back so he put me on Allopurinol 300mg. My numbers went down but I'm still on the medication. I've been on others for depression etc.. But in currently (for the last few months - at least 3 but I think more) I've only been on Allopurinol.
I went to my urologist about 9 months ago, but he wasn't helpful. He said that it's normal for guys to last 5 mins - I felt he wasn't listening to my problem.
I used to have amazing sex but now there basically is no sex. I can't last long enough to actually have sex.
I need advice really bad. This issue is effecting me in my romantic relationships as well as emotionally. It's depressing me.
I appreciate any help I can get. From what I've read online (many articles) nothing seems to be pointing me in the right direction.
Thank you.