Good evening. I am 28 years old. I am very over weight because of insulin resistance and bad life style. I am using merformin 2x500mg per day. Last year i got pregnent, naturally in just one cylce. I took folic acid 5mg per day and metformin (till 4month). Everything was good, I felt strong moves even kicks of my little angel . In 24week of pregn, on ultrasound examination doctor told me that my baby has hydrocephalus, spina bifida on lower back area and ventriculomegalia... I wanted to die. My whole world ruined. After they did feticide, they induce labour. It was a girl, weighted 800gr with big head and anomaly on back. In hospital I am treated with heparin injections and few days after labour. Why is this happend?This was 2nd pregnancy, 1st was in 2013 year finished with missed abort in week 8. Have i chance to have a healthy child and when could try again? Labour was a month ago I still have discharge but not blood. It is slippery and light brown. What test should i do