Good evening. I have been suffering on and off with what I believed to be an infection of the left middle ear for over a year now but have not been to have it checked out because of my aggressive medical phobia. I have experienced an intense itching sensation deep inside my ear for many months now and it has been leaking yellow/green discharge, occasionally with traces of what appears to be blood present; the inner and outer ear are also red in appearance and my ear canal is significantly swollen and tender. I have also experienced what I would estimate a 60-70% loss of hearing in that ear and a ringing inside my ear that has occurred in the last few days. Since the start of what I presumed was an ear infection I have also experienced numerous episodes where I suddenly go very light headed, my hearing becomes echo-ish, my vision becomes black and I often blackout if I do not hold my self up on something and wait for it to pass. However, in the last few days my ear has become significantly more painful to even touch slightly, both inside and outside, my hearing is worsening, I have had very bad hot-sweats (especially at night), I have been over-sleeping by many hours everyday and am suffering with moderately intense migraines and shooting pains through the left side of my face (mostly through the left side of the jaw). I have also located two pea-size lumps in-between my left exterior-tragus and left temple which can be moved around with pressure and is not necessarily painful - however, i'm unsure as to weather or not I had just not noticed them before or if they have occurred in the last few days. As i became more concerned with the intense-pain that has occurred over the last few days, I checked in at my local minor-illnesses ward where a nurse practitioner had a chick look at the inside of my ear, took my temperate, oxygen saturation levels and blood pressure and prescribed me with a 5 day course of Amoxicillin but did not check the lumps that I had found. I would be very grateful for any advice or reassurance about who to contact regarding this, or weather I should seek immediate medical advice. Many thanks. :)