Had a sudden non-trauma/accident of extreme hip pain, centered in the groin. Started 3 weeks ago, at worst was unable to bear weight, flex, or rotate the joint. Was place on a five day run of 40mgs of prednisone with little effect. MRI was done last week, tech said there was a lot of fluid in the acetabulum, but saw a rather large bright white spot within the femoral head. Pain is getting better but I have been studying how to move and more importantly not to move. Still having pain on a scale of 0-10 (10 the worst) at a 5-7 at rest getting up, or in or out of a car is indescribable do they make a pain scale to 30? Also an involuntary scream emits but after I move in a non/hurting direction which really takes courage and internal coaxing I am back at the usual 5-7 pain rate. It was recommended to be as non-weight bearing as possible so using crutches and that has helped, nut I am worried about the white spots, could it be calcified bone or a deposit? I don't get the results till late next week and being a critical care nueprse alway imagine the worst