Had what I assume was a spider bite 7 days ago. The initial bite was painful, but I did not actually see the spider. About 30 minutes afterward my upper left arm started itching where the bite occurred. I treated the itching with hydrocortizone cream. 3 days later I woke up extremely dizzy and was nauseated for nearly 24 hours. On the second day, I had muscle twitching in my thumb, and the left side of my upper lip the day I was so nauseated. Stomach was not completely settled yesterday. Better today, but today I have on and off weird headaches like a burning, pressure on the left side of my head. I had some similar symptoms when I had lyme disease about 18 years ago. The site of the bite shows definite "fang" marks. There is some scaling, redness and still itching and the redness has spread out in a bull's eye rash. Am I to "hope" the headaches improve on their own as the stomach issue did? Anything I should be doing at home or should I see my doctor?