Hai doctor,iam from andhrapradesh state my mother is having thyroid goitre at neck from 3 years ,she has been using medicines ,but recently there as there was more swelling at neck we consulted the doctor after performing all the tests,FNAC test reports shows (IMPRESSION:Features studied are suggestive of Follicular neoplasam suspicious of malignancy),after having a look at the reports our doctor suggested us to get the surgery as soon as possible and whole thyroid should be removed,so applied for an appointment through online at CMC hospital and got appointment on 11th of this month ,but we got appointment for general OP .Will all the tests will be performed again at CMC hospital and Will the surgery will be done immediately if there is an emergency or do we have to wait for long .I also request you to please let me how much it will cost for the surgery .my mother age is 55 and biopsy test is not yet done ,she is a diabetic and having high BP. Is follicular neoplasam a dangeroous cancer .please do reply me as soon as possible