Have had recent sx: with Diladid for pain...used prune juice, MOM after I returned home to restart bowel..after a really bad night did have some relief...began symptoms of nausea, chills,fever over the weekend..no appetite ,small food intake..dietary limitations due to upcoming PET SCAN ..had PET on Monday and went to Urgent Care...who sent me to the ED of local hospital. Given a small bag of fluids and antibiotics for kidney infection....think I had become very dehydrated...no Bm for several days ..so tues: inserted ducolax supp: no results.?Tried Fleets enema( which I later realized was expired/ 2014) : no results..Went to local pharm purchased a mineral oil enema..results:.very little stool ,like several hands full of silt.not liguid several hours later..after small breakfast, today ,had a small amount of thin formed pieces..finally the Question: what next