Hello- I am 52 and I have PID (primary immune disease) called CVID along with COPD and Bronchiestais*. Due to insurance issues I have not been able to receive my IgG replacement therapy every three weeks, I had been receiving it for almost eight years and my last infusion was in May, 2016. I have had a sinus infection and it has gone into my respiratory system now as well. I usually run a sub normal temp of 97.4 and have been running 100.2, difficulty breathing with little activity and exertion, coughing fits, chest is tight and I can no longer bring anything up but wheezing and when I do fall asleep, it isn't for very long. I awake in a panic with my head throbbing and my pulse racing and trouble getting my breath. I am dreading going to the hospital, but I think that is where this is heading. Please give your opinion, thank you.