About 18 months ago when having a ct scan of my renal system a nodule was discovered in my right lung. I had another ct scan done a couple of weeks later and there was evidence of 4 microscopic nodules. Another scan was done three months later showing NO Change. Then last month I had another scan after one year. New microscopic nodules were seen and one of my previous nodules grew slightly from .7mm to 1.1mm (this was over a one year period) Another went from .4 to .7mm.
Still too small to do a needle biopsy, the pulmonologist and his team suggested we wait three months to do another ct scan. Of course, I am freaked out, but I don't want to go overboard with worry. Should I be taking action of some sort to further pursue this now, rather than waiting the three months????
Please advise.
A very worried woman