Hello, Diana Walker, dx 1996. Don't feel like I have ever had a really good MS Dr. Think U can help?? After more MRI's than I can number, 2 Spinal taps in 1996; which definitely confirmed dx, I was dx with primary Progressive. I had to ask my 1st dr. shouldn't I be on meds. to slow it down. 1st MRI showed 7 large patches of on left side ,signs of a stroke I didn't know about; right side had 6 patches. He gave me pamplets of the ABC drugs and I took Copaxone on my own until 2006. On 2-14-05 my central nervous system shut down in the blink of an eye. I have been hospitalized so many times with that symp.; Trigeminal Neuralgia. I was taken off MS meds 2006 by GP Dr. & he brought in Neuro Dr., I was in terrible shape. Was in hosp. 07-2016 had a very different spell, was in SAMC in Dothan, Al. Underwent 4 Mri's, last nite & Dr. released me by 7am last day and hasn't wanted to see me again. His staff says I fired him but I did not! How much can I write? I seem more lost than ever! Please give me al least suggestions!!!