Hello Doctor. I am a 70 year old woman with bladder control problems. I am on a one daily oxybutynin (hope I spelled that right) per day., I drink two cups of caffeinated coffee in the morning, iced tea, also caffeinated, but also just ice water. My husband and I eat our dinner between 7 to 7:30 pm with one glass of ice water. I go to bed between 10 PM to 11PM. I have been prescribed by my physican and am taking once a day of the oxy mentioned above (I call it my pee pee pill)
If I go to bed about 10 PM, Aftet abour 1/2 to 2 hours later, my bladder says go. So I go. About another 1/2 to two hours, bladder speaks again so I go. This keeps up all night so 7 hours of sleep is not not available to me because my bladder dictates when and when not I can get a good night's sleep
any help or advice will be appreciated..