Hello Doctor? I am still light headed but I figured I should seek someone's advice on what ever happen to me the afternoon of January 6 2016, 1:47pm. This has been the most resourceful sight when seeking answers but today I could not find them, either because my arrogance did not wish to believe it, or I did not see it as the answer. I was outside next to my home in California near the sierra mountains when I suddenly heard the sound of a soft hum in my ear. The hum intensified after 5 seconds of mundane volume and my perivale vision began to whiten, gray sploshes formed in and around the different objects I looked at, soon my entire field of sight was covered in a blur of white; though I could still see light colors when staring in different directions. I thought that if I were to stand and wait until the temporary blindness passed, I would be fine. My legs began to feel weak (So did my mind) and I reached for the nearest stable object that I could remember seeing and used it to support my weight. My legs gave out twice while I held myself up on my fence. Luckily, a man in my neighborhood saw me and came to assist me. He stayed with me until I could see and control my body. I experienced a short memory loss afterward; though this could be caused by the temporary blindness I experienced. I only remembering gurgled conversations I had with the man when trying to recover. He is my neighbor but I never thought to talk with him because I was shy. After the shocking experience subsided, I thanked my neighbor and I returned to my home. I could feel a lot of sweat on my body when I could see and feel once more. I went to take a rest and slept for 8 min before going to my computer and contacting you. This has happened before in the past but not to this extent. Please contact me as soon as possible my gmail is YYYY@YYYY . Yes the name may sound childish but this was a long time ago. Thank you and I hope to hear from you shortly.