Hello Doctor
I have just read up on symptoms and I have been diagnosed in pass of poly myalgia rheumatitis arteritis, and Sjogrens , auto immune disease, RA, etc. I'm in constant pain and lead a pretty dismal life. I haven't been able to work since 1994, so am living on next to nothing, have no drug benefits but am on blood pressure pills (Bisoprolol). thyroid pills (hypotensive), (Synthroid), high cholesterol, (Crest), Coversyl, Rosuvastatin 40mg, twice daily, Lyrica, hydro morph contin, hydro morphine, aspirin, flexeril. Can't get feet into shoes cause my toes are all gnarled up and bunions, need two knee replacements but do not have the resources or care for afterwards cause I have a special needs child and that's a huge problem. My doctor has a very big practice and has no patience for anyone who has more than one ailment or symptom and won't order any tests. I feel so abandoned and quality of life is desolate.