Hello Doctor,
I need your advice on my medical situation at the moment. About 3 months ago, I got a sore throat that made my world collapse. After this event I had several infections of either the ears, the throat and nose and extreme fatigue.
During this time I did several blood tests. One month after the event I did a full blood check-up and everything was normal besides the Epstein Barr Virus IgG of above 750. However, the lab said it was likely to be of old immunity.
In the mean time just to be sure I did 4 HIV tests, all beyond window period, the last being 3 months out of an event.
Also did Sinus scan, which was fine and Lung radio, which was also ok. After going to so many doctors and not getting any help, I finally found a doctor that thinks I have a mononucleosis infection. So today after 3 months even though the fatigue levels of my body are a bit better, I still get sick, I have a dry cough and stuffy, swolen lingh nodes in the neck nose and still feel tired, not my normal Ok status.
This doctor I found asked for some new tests and got them today. All blood work seems to be normal except the EBV virus that still has an IgG superior to 750.
Can you please help me out in giving me a second opinion? The first 2 months I barely rested due to work and life. Now I have been resting for a month and do feel a slight improvement.
PS: The tests results are here in attachment.
Kind regards.