Hello Doctor, I was bitten by a cat on the second of December 2015, that same day i received the rabies vaccination (VeroRab) and it was ok, just mild side effects, on day 3 second shot then day 7 and 14, after the 14 shot i suffered very strange side effects, severe lower abdominal pain and diahrrea, general weakness, sometimes rapid pulse, little bit high blood pressure, my normal rate is 110/ 70 but now showing 130/80, severe lack of appitie and nausea, the pain and cramps still going on in my lower abdomin ( colon) and feels as if lots of gas is trapped but unable to release, when i go the stool is thin and almost watery very loose, after and during defecation i feel cramps (knife like) and feeling i didn't finish my bowel movement, c'd all this be part of the side effects of this med? I have IBS by the way but it's pain is nothing compared to what i'm suffering. I did some blood work and it showed lowered white blood count 19% and my urine and stool analysis are fine, my stool showing fat and undigested food.