Hello Doctor,
My husband has had a rash on the back of his knee that keeps growing. He says it is very itchy all the time. He works in constructions and this started just about 2 weeks ago, and it has been getting worse. At first I thought it might be maybe eczema and I then decided to put Aquaphor cream on it. But it is just getting worse. I suspect perhaps it maybe some sort of fungus, but I'm no doctor so it's just speculation at this point. Hahahaha. It is swollen, with reddish/purplish tint to it and it looks dry and scaly when you don't put anything on it. Perhaps I'm explaining it to be an elephant skin but that the best way I can describe it to get an idea going here. What do you think it could be? How can I help him get better.
Please help.
Veteran in distress.
Thanks again,
Jessica Arroyo