'Hello, Doctor Rynne: I have a question. A young married couple that I'm acquainted with is thinking of fostering a child who is male, six years old, and confined to a wheelchair, as far as we know, forever. But we don't know what Spina Bifida IS and we don't know what the implications of this disease are. Also, the two adults are caucasion, and they have two biological girls of their own, ages approx. 4 and 6, plus two half white and half black boys, brothers, all healthy from outside appearances. They are considering the Spina Bifida stricken child as another foster ~ I guess they figure that if they can keep four, what's one more ~ but in this case the one more is wheel-chair bound. Can you explain what Spina Bifida is, please, b'c we have no history of this info in our collective memories. Is is a perpetual disease, or something that they'll grow out of, or a mystery? Thanks for your vital answers. You can be sure they are appreciated and heeded.