Hello Doctor since past few days I am noticing a foamy urine not too much but mostly when I urinate, i could see bubbles breaking into white layer, what could it be, I had a urine analysis on 13th april 2018 which has traces of albumin, then my doctor advise first morning sample for spot protein and albumin to creatinine ratio, results were spot protein 23mg/dl and microalbuminurea 22 mg/dl, ACR was 12mg/g., please advise what needs to be done?here i am experiencing daily right lower back pain, did 2 times urine culture test, at first ecoli was detected moderate number, i had antibiotics for 5 days then another urine culture which does not have uti?serun creatinine, BUN and Electrolytes test were normal 2.5 months back.
I had a routine urine analysis on 16th march which does not have any albumin traces but it came immediately after ct scan was done with contrast media, since then i am having dry mouth and dehydration with dark yellow urine most of the time, I dont have diarrhoea or vomiting but still feel thirsty all the time still after having 3.5 litres of water daily.