Hello Dr, I am 41year old. I am addicted to eating slate pencil for past2 months,I had this habit in my childhood, that only for few months,then at the age of 11year I had a habit of eating brick tiles for 1or 2 years.
Then when I became pregnants for 2 times i got addicted to eating bricks it continued for4 years.
My fly got worried about my health.At that time I got a solution to get rid of brick eating, and again got addicted of eating slate pencil my husband is worried about my health. When ever I eat more slate pencil, I get severe constipation, for digestion and for relief of constipation I take fruits.
This my condition now,pls tell me docter did this habit of eating brick and slate pencil would have affected my health,is it harmful if I continue eating slate pencil? Because I am not able to give up and l go mad when I control my self pls help me.