Hello Dr, I twisted my left ankle in ice-skiing on Mar 19, 2016. It is still not healed. Below are the details:
where does it hurt - left ankle
how long has it hurt for - 5.5 months
how bad is the pain - hurts more when I walk
what where you doing when it started - Ice-skiing
what have you done for it so far - Rest, Ice, Compression, Walking boots, Steroids shots
anything relieve it - Rest, Ice, Compression relieved a bit
what have you been told about it so far - It will take 8-12 months to heal and I just have to rest. Nothing else could help.
is it affecting your ability to work or play sport - YES
do you have any other sorts of symptoms - No
what country you are in (different countries have different health systems; different scopes of practice of different disciplines; access to care might be different) - United States (originally from India)
Got this impression in MRI report - "Thickening and mild hyperintensity involving the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament consistent with mild syndesmotic complex injury. Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament and remainder of the lateral ligament complex are intact. Minimal sprain of the deep tibiotalar bundle of the deltoid ligament"
Could you please suggest what can I do to heal it fast? It is tough to go for 100% bed rest and not possible because of my work.
Your response is highly appreciated. Thanks a lot!