Hello Dr. Im 34 yrs non alcoholic and non smoking women. Since 2 month Im having a problem in my bilirubin and SGOT. 2month ago while i went for my annual physical checkup total bilirubin is 2.6,direct bilirubin is .63,SGOT 48 SGPT 70.After 1 month I checked again and on that time T Bilirubin 2.9,D Bilirubin .7,SGOT 37,SGPT58 so now I checked after one month on 7th Jan 2017 my T Bilirubin 1.9,D bilirubin.6,SGOT 48,SGPT 75. Im not sure why my liver function is not working well.I avoid all the food which is not good for liver as per doctor's suggestion. can you help me to understand and tell me what i should do to make healthy liver function please.