Hello. For over a year now i have a feeling like there is blockage in my rectum. I cant pass stool completely or sometimes at all. The major thing that worries me is that when i use dolcolax suppositories for bowel movement, i may not be able to pass stool on that night, but in the morning i go to the toilet and something which i can only describe as WHITE MUCUS LOOKING FUNGAL. It makes my body itch severly and some days i cant go to work. I feel no pain, never have i ever seen blood in my stool and the stool passed later comes out with a clear obstruction pattern on it. I have seen alot of doctors but to no help, i did an xray and they said i was impacted. i did an ultra sound and said all is perfect, I eat fiber, water and avoid processed food as much as i can. Please what can i do to end my problem. Thanks in advance