For the last 7 weeks I’ve been experiencing various symptoms. Initially I was very fatigued, no energy, headache, neck stiffness, pain in mead (particularly at the base it was a weird numb sensation). I also experienced random dizziness and visual distortion and nausea. I put it down to migraine and had a few IV drips with no luck. I also had a CT scan of the brain and neck - I do have a trapped nerve, bulging disc and degeneration at c6/7. Gradually over the weeks the fatigue has gone but I still have the neck/shoulder pain and randomly I get dizzy and nausea.
I’ve had a lot of treatments including massage, myotherapy, osteo, Physio and chiro. After certain treatments I’m fine and others seem to trigger something and I feel unwell again. This generally lasts a few hours and I feel better if its later and I sleep all night.
After massage tonight a lady said she doesn’t think the knot in my neck was muscle, she thinks it’s blood. I’m now worried sick with no idea what she meant. I’m in Bali on holiday and there’s the language barrier. I go for periods feeling totally fine but just anxious wondering if I’d become unwell again.
I am due to see a neurologist next month. I’m also having a MRI done next week.
Generally my GP has said cervicogenic headache or vestibular migraine but I was putting it down to knots on the neck, shoulders and head and blood flow limited but now not so sure.
It has been a debilitating few months.