Hello! For the last couple of days ive been getting a rash that itches like mosquito or flea bites, but there aren't any actual bites. They are only located on the tops of my hands, knee caps and tops of my feet just around the joint areas. They itch first and then appear as small red splotches that get bigger and become raised if i scratch them. I have no known allergies, I have made no change in my daily routine, or personal products. I havent eaten anything new or different, I don't travel, and I haven't been exposed to any kind of chemical that i know of other than my regular cleaning supplies. ive tried calamine and cortizone cream. The itching is soothed a little but the the creams wear off pretty quick and i just kind of have to wait for the splotches to disappear. I havent been ill lately, but i have had a much longer menstrual cycle, about three weeks, i dont think it is related, i have an implanon birth control implant that will expire soon and i think the prolonged cycle is just a result of my hormones being imbalanced, but its the only thing different about my entire life that i can think of. please help any suggestions would be appreciated, Thank you!