Hello, I am Macaela Barnett, and I am a high school student at Frankfort High School. I am taking an Engineering course, and I have to innovate a current invention. I have chosen to innovate the socket of hip disarticulation prosthesis. The reason for my sparked interested in this field is because of my future career path, Biomedical Engineering, as well as my cousin Derek Footen. I have tried to reach out to several support groups, doctors, and hospitals, who could help me with things as simple as spreading my survey to a group. I have been working on this for a little over a month now, and I unfortunately have not had much luck with responses. I was hoping that you could direct me to a support group, or even distribute my survey to those with Hip Disarticulation. This project is extremely important to me because it will not only become my field of study but it also affects so closely to my family.
Thank you for your time,
Macaela Barnett.