Hello. I am a 33 yr old female- 5'5 125lbs. No chronic illnesses I know of. Very active runner and weight trainer. I eat heartilyall different kinds of foods and don't restrict any from my diet. It is normal for me to have 1-2 bowel movements every morning, but for a little over a week, I have been going more often. I get the sudden urge and need to find a toilet RIGHT away. I saw this chart and the type of bowel movement I have is #6. (https://www.gutsense.org/constipation/normal_stools.html). This is not the kind of bowel movement I normally have, normally it is more like a #4. I feel fine otherwise. I am not overly tired, stressed, or sick in any other way. I have not introduced a new food into my diet. I am wondering if this is cause for alarm and I should go to the doctor? Like I said, it has been going on for a little over a week. I don't take any medication other than melatonin diphenhydramine to help me sleep, but I have been taking those for months.