I am a caregiver for my husband who had a stroke last October and was in Rehab until Feb. I am the sole person responsible for his care.
He had a brain stem cell stroke. Initially he had a feeding tube, since removed, however he coughs and chokes easily. The left side of his body is essentially no longer working. He cannot bend his leg and doesn't have any strength in the left arm and leg. This causes him difficulty walking and lack of strength getting up from the commode or chair. His positive activities are that he can eat, swallow, shower and dress himself.
I was online tonight seeking information for being the caregiver. I'm overly burdened carrying out his needs and our family responsibilities. I feel guilty for being overwhelmed. We have only been married 3 years.
My Morher died a few months before we married. She had Lymphoma. I wasn't her caregiver however I did spend every Friday with her and was the one with her the night she went to Heaven. Her death has left a great void in my life.
And if that isn't enough, I was relieved of my job the week before I remarried. I am a government retiree after 25 years and was working for industry. I enjoyed working and it was my passion in life. Not working is one of the hardest obstacles I've had to overcome in my life and as noted, I've had many of them. :)
I am considering selling our home and moving closer to my son and brother and their families. I would be able to see them more often and that would be a great help to have their support. I have another son and family who live in TX. I live in Alabama. My brother and older son live in Tn. I'm concerned about uprooting my husband however he says it is okay if that is what I want.
I feel very tired and alone. I serve my husband his meals and after a daily shower he just sits and plays cards on the laptop. He doesn't feel like going anywhere and even if we do he cannot be up and out for any period of time. Even a short trip is exhausting to him. Basically, my husband is only existing. I'm okay with being his caregiver. I love him very much.
Thank you for any advice you might give to me.