I am nearly 69 years old. Don't smoke or drink and have done neither since 08/22/07. You might think that because I have commi my sobriety to a specific date I might be an alcoholic and attend AA meetings. I don't and never have. The date is significant because it's the day I retired from working in the feature film business. I never enjoyed the taste iPod spirits or beer but I would have a glass of wine (Shira) if available. But live alone and don't have alcohol not even for the infrequent guest. I'm telling you this because I want you to see me for what I am. Habitual not addictive.
Okay, that behind us, I have a particularly nasty (painful 7.5-9.5) case of Spinal Stenosis. I must have had it for years but it never demonstrated itself until about seven years ago. The pain has worsened in the past 3-4 years. Now I have to use a walker and my treating personal M.D. Who I've been with since 'o8 says flatly I need an operation.
I'm due to collect on a work comp 3-case award which was settled & signed by all (Def.is Sony Pictures). After invepsting 75% I will go forward w/MRI & op.
I've been taking 50mg of hydrocodone daily for 4-5 years. A recent blood test revealed no issues w/my blood or my liver. An internist felt my liver & prononced is small and supple.
I two weeks ago switched from Norco 10/325 generic to Percocet generic 10/325 an I wa THRILLED with the reduction of pain. I like the Norco, need to take two to feel this relief.
I can barely hold myself up taking 20 mg Norco but w/20 mg Percocet I am 25-35% freerer of this awful thigh (not back pain) it's wonderful to feel this relief.
Am I so concerned about spending the rest of my short life in a wheel and insist on doubling my Percocet 10/325 when I next see my MD? Ind I know he's concerned about Obama's new funding to treat opiate addicted clients. I remind you I don't smoke or drink am not going to live that long. I am lobbying to let me take what I know works for me in the time remaining me. If that is is outside the circle of what's desirable then so be it. The pain relief I have felt since taking 20-30 mg 4 times per day is my damn business.