Hello, I am quite worried because I had a NURU massage about a month ago. During the massage the “masseuse” rubbed and grinded on my penis without any penetration. However, fluids could have mixed because there was tons of nuru gel on me and her. Later in the massage, i was on my back and she was on her back. It was dark and because of the angle I could not definitively see whether or not penetration occurred, but I am almost certain that she did in fact insert my penis and penetration occurred, upon realization of intercourse about a minute later, I pulled out. No condom was used and I am almost certain that she is HIV positive because she had rubber gloves on that later revealed a severe case of scabies limited to those with HIV. I know the low chances of contracting HIV via vaginal intercourse, but she could have had a very high viral load due to the presentation of the severe scabies infection. I am circumsized so am i overestimating my risk at about 1/96 due to being 26 times more likely with the high viral multiplied by the 1/2,500 chance? The “masseuse” has failed to answer my questions regarding her HIV status. I don’t like those odds and plan to get tested but won’t have access for at least 2 weeks due to work. Also, can HIV survive in NURU gel?! Thanks for your response.