Hello. I am trying to determine the causes of my swollen feet and ankles, which has been diagnosed as idiopathic edema, I've had this condition for over 25 years, since the birth of my first child. I was diagnosed with pre eclamplsia during the pregnancy and developed hypertension after the pregnancy.'ve recently stopped taking estradiol because of a stage 1 breast cancer diagnosis. I've also recently stopped taking buproprion and lisinopril. While receiving radiation treatment for the breast cancer, my feet and ankles returned to a normal size for the first time in over a decade. I've recently started taking vitamins E, D and vitamin Bcomplex and my feet and ankles have become swollen again. Could these vitamins be causing the swelling or could stopping the meds that I mentioned be causing fluid retention until my body adjusts? I've also gained 3 pounds in the last three days even though I'm eating less than usual. I am 59 years old, 5'4" and weigh 150. I have no other health concerns other than the cancer which is considered to be cured. Thank you