Hello, I don't like doing this but I'm gonna give it a try. Beginning, last year I went in for upper and lower GI, I had terrible heartburn and stomach pain in Jan. Did both it came back i have Hiatle hernia kinda small, they put me on Dexalant and about every 3 months after it began to get worse and worse. They doubled dexalant to 60mg a day, it helped heart burn and stomach, but i was still in abdominal pain all the time. I am unable to eat the foods I used to enjoy, i gradually put on near 20-25 lbs out of nowhere, upper arms are swelled up like balloons, and my abdominal left side seems to be the general site of most of the pain. I had digestive study, passed that, i had CT ordered of entire abdomen and an andexal mass was located below sigmond colon, actually it was said my colon was draped over it. I suffer from loose stools 2 weeks a month and total constipation the rest the time. I was just getting my period when the CT picked up the mass. I was just getting off my period when the Vaginal Ultrasound was ordered, and i was told they didn't see anything. My period has been different and more frequent, around every 15-18 days verses my normal 26-28 cycle for me, i would never have it longer than 3 days, now its 2 days and i suffer with even more pain. So i have a GHOST MASS which i have a picture of. it was over 49mm x 37.9, and its been said it disappeared. I seen OBGYN and he said my left ovary was enlarged and he can feel something. After the exam for 2 days i was in misery. My temp has been 97.3, and sometime 100.2, then below normal....i am always freezing cold, and I fatigued, and my white blood count has been between 14.4 & 16.1 for nearly a year straight. All my other blood panels looked great. i also have copies of those. OBGYN took thyroid panel it was 1.01 and T4 was 1.17, i don't know what that means. Choosing from the internet, i would say my symptoms fall with possible endometriosis OR Cushings Syndrome....just according to the symptoms for myself and i even considered possible STD's that they may not have tested for 8-10 years back. I am being referred to Hematologist now and see then Jan.21st...my 42 birthday. Please don't say pre menopausal or because i'm 40, i strongly disagree, i had a perfect body for all my life same weight, and with all this pain and bloating i look pregnant and it was over 8 months it feels chronic and i am miserable. OTHER problems which i assumed were not related which could be include, i have had right knee reconstructed 2 times in my life, and a ortho cleanup recent, not healing very well, i have non stop pain in the leg, as well as a crotch groin pain that really makes me feel like i got kicked in the girlnuts. SORRY!! A symptom for endometriosis eye catcher. I been told by OBGYN i probably have IBS for sure. He wants to do Laparoskopy, still thinking on that ider. I will provide labs i have. Appendix is out, tonsils gone, tubular done age 26. I wonder because of such high sided left side pain about the SPLEEN. I noticed when i eat something seems to palse kinda or pop out protrude in that area sometimes.