Hello. I had crown-work done on Friday. One hour in advance I had 4/500 mg of Amoxicillin, prescribed by my surgeon. I ate modestly through the day. In the evening I had some corn and bean- Mexi salsa. The next day (Saturday)I ate a normal breakfast. At lunch I had a bit of pizza, a couple well-cooked chicken nuggets and some Raeman noodles, and a banana (none of these are good candidates for food poisoning). At about 1:30 PM Saturday I developed gas pains. I had done some bending down work after lunch, not a good thing. By 3:30 there was so much built up gas, I could not move from my bed as I was unable to sit up in bed due to the pain and physics of being blown up so badly. Gas-X did not work, nor did the antihistimines, nor did the suppository. Even evacuating on my bedspread did little to relieve the enormous amount of pain and gas build-up in my system. I called 911 and was taken by ambulance to the ER. Fairly quickly I was discharged. The situation self-resolved. I have found nothing on the internet to adequately explain what I went through. This happened a year ago after my hip implant. I'm pretty sure there was an antibiotic involved here too. This "syndrome" seems to have an allergic component also. Lots of mucus from my sinuses always accompanies the gas build-up. This is why I often reach for an antihistime. I am advised to schedule time with my family doctor. Any ideas?