I had my son about 8 months ago and had an IUD (mirena) put in when he was about 8 weeks. I spotted for a couple months after the procedure and then didn't have any bleeding for 3 months. However, the last 2 - 3 months, if I strain to go to the bathroom at all - I start bleeding from my vagina (it is bright red and in my urine as well as on the toilet paper) with moderate cramping while urinating or having a bowel movement. However, my stool is not hard and I am not constipated. I am also having sharp pains in my pelvis and on the right side of my lower stomach that can be crippling. My period has also become spontaneous and comes about every other month. The thing that really bothers me is the pain (which can be pretty severe) that comes multiple times a day and at a moments notice (lasts a couple minutes), as well as not knowing if my IUD is dislodging itself. I also have absolutely no sex drive and it is taking its toll on my marriage. I was breastfeeding when I got the IUD but I was wondering if, since I no longer breastfeed, I should go back to the pill or explore my other options - or maybe the stomach/pelvic pains are unrelated?
Thank you for your time and insight,