Hello, I have a concerning issue and am not sure if it is in need of urgent assistance or not so I thought I would as as my doctor is out of the office for a few days and am not sure if my symptoms warrant an emergency room visit or not. Long story short, had a Sarapin injection in C1-C8 for moderate space narrowing and spondylosis, greatest narrowing is at C3-4, C4-5, a few nights after this injection I experienced a severe charley horse with visual disturbance, it took a few minutes for the visual disturbance to pass (saw flashing lights, lines and a curtain behind the right eye), calf was sore for a few days after this to the point I was limping. Asked doc about it he thinks its my back because I have anterolisthesis at L4-5 and retrolisthesis at L5-S1 as well as degenerating discs in my lumbar and cervical spine (had a bialteral pars defect at L4 that occurred about 3 years ago and had severe sciatica for 16 months, there was no recommendation for surgery, over time I developed 3 degree levoscoliosis in the upper thoracic/ lower cervical region and narrowing in my cervical spine). For the last few days my right hand has been clumsy, and I have been feeling tingling and numbness down my right arm into my right pinky, right index and middle finger. I feel a strange pain between my upper neck and shoulder, as if the vertebra is moving. I also am starting to feel numbness and tingling in my right leg, most prominent around my ankle and its following a glovelike distribution around my right toes. Is this urgent considering its seemingly neurological? Latest labs showed trace occult blood in urine and elevated testosterone, overall feeling exhausted, weak and clumsy.