Hello I have a question. On Saturday as I watched television I noticed pressure on my chest. I thought maybe it was due to the show I was watching(it was pretty intense) so I just ignored it. Well this pressure continued follows by a flustered feelings coming in waves. I decided to go to urgent care, and when I got their my BP was 150/111. An ekg was performed as well and the results came back pretty normal. So they prescribed me blood pressure medicine. Monday I visited a family doctor and he checked the results and stated everything seemed normal as well, but I needed to go to a lab to have my thyroid and cholesterol checked as well. Monday night my symptoms got worse so I went to the ER. There they ran more test, ekg, and xrays and said that everything seemed fine but recommended I go (by ambulance) to the hospital to see cardiologist. I felt that was unreasonable, because I could just drive. Well I ended up leaving with no answers. On today I went to see a cardiologist. My blood pressure was 139/86, ekg showed nothing irregular so once again no answers. He has me going for stress and sleep test in the up coming weeks, but that does not help me now. I am just curious as to what it can actually be? No members of my family have any health issues as far as heart, or diabetes. I'm 29 years old and outside of being overweight I am fairly healthy. What could be my issue??