Hello! I have a question for an orthopedic specialist, hopefully a foot specialist.
I sustained a non-displaced Jones fracture to my 5th metatarsal on my left foot 4 days ago. Today, the orthopedic surgeon I saw put me in a walking boot, and said I could walk/weight-bear on that foot, and to wean off the crutches the urgent care clinic I visited gave me earlier.
My question is, was he correct to allow me to weight-bear on the injured foot just a few days after the injury? I've read that most patients who sustain Jones fractures are told to stay off the foot for at least a few weeks first. I have no pain in the foot unless I try to walk on it, and I can walk basically pain-free balancing on my heel, but can't take a normal step rolling from the heel to ball of my foot without it hurting.
I'm worried that even with the boot on, it's not good for the injury to put weight on it so soon; I'm careful, but every so often I step all the way down and I get a sharp twinge of pain there. Should I get a second opinion, and stay off the foot for longer? I don't mind the inconvenience; I just want to do whatever will help the bone heal faster. The doctor said I have a shot at still going on a backpacking trip (around Europe, not outdoors backpacking) I'm supposed to leave for in 5 weeks. What do you think?
Thanks in advance for your help!