Hello I have a very high heart rate pretty consistently, and experience very often palpitations and racing heart with shortness of breath and chest discomfort. These symptoms all surfaced after a night of doing methaphetamine and I had chest pain real bad feeling like my heart was being stuck wit a knife every 10 secs then I noticed my heart was racing wildly. I then had my girlfriend drive me to the Local ER and told them what happend as I was in fear of my Life. They checked my vital wit my HR being 194 and my BP 200/117 they brought me to The room and put oxygen on me and put an ECG on me and administered me Labetalol(BP meds) and Benzodiazepines to calm me down . Later Released me wit diagnosis of Panic Attack, Drug Toxicology problem and Low Pottasium, which they gave me a vitamin for it. Ever since then I have had almost constant elevated HR and frequent chest pains.They eventually put me on Metoprolol 25mg twice daily to lower heart rate as my BP usually is in good range (120/70 ish) but hr around 95-130. I was on it for about 8 months then decided look this Metoprolol is making tired give me depression jus adding worse to anxiety, so I decided to taper myself down so i no longer take it as of a Month ago. I’m lost for what’s causing this Constant elevated Heart Rate and the palpitations and chest discomfort. I’ve had Testing done Over 8 EKGs, 3 Holter Monitors, Blood Work, and a Stress Test. All apparently Normal, but I’m still wondering why I’m losing my Mind over these Symptoms. Two doctors have told me Anxiety but these feel too real and only I know my body. I do know I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder and OCD as I check my vitals quite for fear of impending death. I jus would like to know what’s the problem and is It really anxiety or are we jus not finding it? Also when I smoke cigs my Hr and Palps and chest discomfort goes wild.