Hello, I have an isolated complete ACL tear from playing tennis in my right knee 3 months ago. MRI and OS confirmed. Been to PT 4 times to get range of motion back and now my knee feels no different from my good knee. Stairs, biking, walking, gym doing PT exercises I was assigned as well as bike. All fine with no pain or instability but I am only doing day to day living for fear of doing additional damage. I love to ski, tennis, hike, bike and always open to do new things with the kids. I would like to do the surgery so that I have no worry about my knee but I am afraid since I have no pain. I am a 45 year old female and don’t want to wait too long to try the knee out as I’m not getting any younger. OS said it is my decision and he is fine either way (reconstruct or brace and see how it goes). Am I better to stay with the knee now or just bite the bullet and go for it since I can start the long rehab sooner while I am younger? Everyone loves to comment and say do it you are active. OS said it’s not an elective surgery if you want to be active in your life. If I had pain and instability all the time it would make the decision much easier but so afraid to “test” it out. I see a lot of people struggle with the same questions. Thanks for your feedback. Kelly