I have had a very painful lower back problem since mid october. I have see my personal physician NNUMEROUs TIMES , a back surgeron, gone to the ER and had 2 epidurals from a third doctor within a span of 2 months. ALL of them say it will pas in time. It hasn't. Since then i have missed over two weeks of work and i spend every waking moment laying flat on a hard floor just to "lesssen" the pain.Some days i can barely stand or walk. I am quickly running out of options. Please let me know if yo can help. And of course cost is a factor. For as little as those other doctors has "attempted" to help, i have completely drained all my accounts and i have nothing to to show for it. Can you please helps along with and EXACT price list of what i may owe???
John Bennnett
Olathe, Kanas 66061