Hello, I have had fibromyalgia for what I can guess at is the past 12-15 years. Long story, but I'm 35 now, and was put on anti depressants at age 19, and was on Paxil until I was 28.
Since then I have mostly seen a Nutripathic doctor- similar to Naturopathic- because I wasn't getting good health care from MD's, that didn't know much about actually healing Fibro.
Long story short my health is much better now and I've been prescription free for 5 years.
Along with detoxing/ natural medicine and yoga/ meditation.
I recently saw my ND and from her tests says I have some erosion in my upper intestines, and I am on some natural medicine that is helping .
But my question is being I've had digestive problems for over 20 years could sibo be part of this problem
I've read study's that say 100% of fibro patients test positive for sibo.
Problem is my ND has told me I need a endoscopy for years, but the MDs I've seen won't give it to me???
I had my first colonic a month ago and part of the process for a juicing fast is to eat only raw fruits and vegetables for 2 days prior, eliminate regular toxins in daily food, caffeine, animal products, sugars ect... Right After the Colonic I immediately felt a renewed , core energy in my body I haven't felt since I was a teenager, best I've felt that I can remember energy and whole body wise.
This experience was confirmation, of what my accupunturist, ND, have said all along that the gut is the main cause of the chronic illness.
My question to you is how can I go about, in the medical way, see about getting tested for sibo ? As I'm not sure my family MD will do what I am asking
To him and other MDs I've seen its textbook IBS and fibro??
It's very frustrating
Thank you