I just found a bottle of Rx med on my desk. I don't even remember getting it...maybe because it was "tax day", April 15, 2015. It was prescribed by my podiatrist. I have non-diabetic neuropathy...which mainly causes super severe foot pain and numbness. Gee, how can a numb foot hurt so much?? Anyway, it is "Nifedical XL (ER) 30 mg tablets". (One at bedtime) Apparently I looked up this med and found it to be for high blood pressure....which I do not have. I missed any into on tingling, etc., of the feet and just put the bottle aside. Well, duh! Is it outdated? Should I start taking it now? I have been taking Lyrica for years. It helps somewhat....enough that I would hate to try to go without it. Would this "new" drug be a helpful adjunct? I am severely disabled with degenerative disk disease, scoliosis and ankylosing spondylitis.