Hello, I need some help with a referral for the type of Dr that my daughter needs to see. She is 26 years old and diagnosed with severe fibro myalgia. She suffers from something that has not fully revealed itself yet - categorized as "General connective tissue" disorder (suspected autoimmune), but bw is wnl. She currently has severe inflammation of ALL lymph nodes (sub mandibular, popliteal, ingunial, axillary, etc) and has extreme fatigue - bw done yesterday was neg for mono, epstein-barr, negative ANA, NORMAL CBC. How is this possible? She has continued to get the "eye rolling" from previous doctors who want to refer her to psychiatry. Typical for a young woman who has been otherwise healthy her whole life. Need some help..... ps.....I am in the veterinary field, so I do have medical knowledge.