Hello, I recently went to the hospital due to expressive aphasia. I was sharp otherwise, but for about 20 minutes I spoke gibberish or had to make effort to get it right. In the ER, I had another episode, the same, but it only lasted about 3 minutes. I had had a horrendous migraine the night prior, vomiting for hours. I was diagnosed with stroke, shown MRI images, thought that was settled science, you can see it if it's stroke.
Follow-up with primary Dr confused me--two docs agreed that it was certainly an ischemic event, but they think more likely a migraine than a stroke. I will be seeing the neuro PA in a month. I'm doing research, but here's my question.
Do the "flashes" on brain MRI show definitively if it was stroke, or is it a matter of degrees, opinion, etc.?